ITOCHU Global Hotline

ITOCHU values the spirit of "Sampo-yoshi" , the management philosophy of the Omi merchants, which states, "In business, it is natural that the seller and buyer are satisfied, but good management is only possible if it contributes to society", and the ITOCHU Group has adopted this as its corporate philosophy.

Compliance is the foundation for practicing the high ethical standards required by "Sampo-yoshi" and is one of the key elements of internal control. In order to sustainably develop our company in this spirit, we must not only comply with laws and regulations as a matter of course, but also make constant efforts to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of society. To this end, it is of the utmost importance that each and every one of us in the ITOCHU Group speak out against illegal activities when we discover them.

To support this, the ITOCHU Group has set up multiple hotlines for receiving reports.

Among these, the ITOCHU Global Hotline is mainly for reporting violations of major laws and regulations such as antitrust law, bribery regulations, etc. Anonymous reporting is also possible through the ITOCHU Global Hotline, so please be assured that you will not be treated disadvantageously for using the Hotline.

We encourage you to report any concerns you may have.

● Reportable events:
  1. Antitrust law
  2. Bribery
  3. Embezzlement and fraudulent accounting
  4. Other violations of laws and regulations

(Note: For complaints of harassment, discrimination, etc. other than those listed above, please contact the whistleblower desk for each company and region in order to comply with the personal information protection laws and regulations of each country.)

● Target users:
ITOCHU Group executives and employees
(including accepted loaned employees and temporary employees.)


Please refer to the PRIVACY NOTICE for information on the ITOCHU Group's handling of personal information.


About using the ITOCHU Global Hotline

The “ITOCHU Global Hotline” is operated by “TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd. (the “Center”)”.

Upon the request of ITOCHU (the “Participating Company”), the ITOCHU Global Hotline accepts reports about problems occurring at ITOCHU or ITOCHU Group, and then provides the service of submitting those reports to the Participating Company.

In the use, including the range of problems that are accepted, please confirm the information provided by the Participating Company.

Registration is required for using the ITOCHU Global Hotline.

How to register

The flow of the registration is as follows.

Language Selection
Input password (company code)
Confirm Terms of Use
Registration Form
Confirm Registration
Complete Registration

After completing registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please submit your report by replying to the confirmation e-mail.

For more information, please refer to the "Operation of TSUHO Support Center“.

“Operation of TSUHO Support Center”

Profile of the Center

TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd.

September 10, 2013
2 million yen
(100% subsidiary of Integrex Inc.)
7F 5-8-14 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

*For the handling of personal information by the Center, please refer to the “Privacy Policy” of TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd.

2."Privacy Policy" of the Center